ALS incompetence revealed by Twitter
5th September 2012
Jaysen Sharpe @jaysensharpe
@nrpsinterpreter @Dutch_interpret At Taunton Mags we had an 'interpreter' take the oath and then some1 realised she was defendants partner!
Jaysen Sharpe @jaysensharpe
@talkrussian_ Yes, when they realised she was sent away, magistrates extremely annoyed bit it all. She did say she was from the agency
Diana MH @DianaLTU
A Sussex court staff member called #ALS "a racket". Said their "interpreters" traveled from "over seas and mountains". Was afraid to speak.
31st August 2012
Mike Slade @chollertonvicar
Frustrating day in Court supporting asylum seeker. Despite loads of warning interpreter no showed: another postponement. @PrivateEyeNews
26th August 2012
Gideons Way @Gideons_Way
@junrussell Re: ALS. It seems cock up not conspiracy. But makes you wonder what idiots awarded the contract. Should they remain in post?
interpreter @nrpsinterpreter
Comment: I have nearly daily battles with them.Wrong language.wrong times+locations utterly incompetent bunch #ALSCapita
24th August 2012
Pippa Khan @Pippa_khan
@Xtinkeee I was in Court once and no interpreter turned up so Judge asked me to do it. I had to ask my client whether
@Dutch_interpret Yes it would wrong interpreters or no interpreters most times and waste of Court time.
Suja_K @Lady_SK
At court today obviously #ALSCapita isn't capable of providing an interpreter within 24 hours!!!
interpreter @nrpsinterpreter
Another example of #ALSCapitafailings: Polish interpreter court job: WMidlands to MerthyrTydfil: Return trip 380 miles-cost £220
23rd August 2012
Diana MH @DianaLTU
#ALS book a Polish interp from G Manchester for Merthyr Tydfil Court, 195 miles one way. The closest Polish terp in #MOJFWA liars' books?
22nd August 2012
Diana MH @DianaLTU
Romanian interpreter who's caused a trial at Snaresbrook Court to collapse (£25 000 cost) seen working in a London Crown Court today. #ALS
21st August 2012
Diana MH @DianaLTU
Bury Mags Court today. #ALS failed to send a Lithuanian interpreter. Another adjournment at taxpayers' expense. Time to end the farce, #MOJ
Diana MH @DianaLTU
Liverpool Mags Court today. #ALS failed to provide a Czech interpreter. Case adjourned. Justice denied on daily basis courtesy #MOJFWA
Fair Trials @fairtrials
@Dutch_interpret It is concerning, the stories that are coming out over issues with interpreters delaying court hearings in the UK.
20th August 2012
Ben - J - Min @wwodb
An, of course, there is no interpreter when needed... Again