ALS used my details and allocated a booking without consent
I wish to draw your attention to some of the methods used by ALS in recruting interpreters.
On 2nd April I received a telephone call from Chichester Crown Court enquiring why I had not attended the Court where, it appears, I had been booked by ALS to act as an interpreter. I was outraged and shocked as I had never registered with them, nor had I ever given them my details. When soon after ALS telephoned me, they said that this occurred in error, and they claimed that according to their records I had agreed to take the job on.
It is very disturbing, the more so as it is apparent that they had used my details without my knowledge or permission and in the process even given me a fictitious address. This surely must be illegal and, I believe, steps should be taken to prevent ALS in engaging in such practices.
Marta Moore
NRPSI Interpreter
Reg. number 11391