Cleveland Police and outsourced interpreting service
In my capacity as a Legal Representative I waited for over 4 hours for a Cleveland Police Interpreter to arrive. The interpreter was picked up and dropped off by the police.
The interpreter confirmed he was a DPSI holder and provided an NRPSI Registration containing letters and numbers! I am on the NRPSI so I immediately knew this was incorrect.
The interpreter stated he was never asked for NRPSI details before.
Anyway, I failed to find this interpreter on NRPSI after searching under name, language and region etc.
The interpreter was providing suggestions to the suspect during our consultation.
I reminded the interpreter that his role was to interpret, not 'help' and that my role was to find out the truth so I could advise my client accordingly.
The interpreter was saying 'he said, I think this is what he said, I think he is trying to say'.
So there you go - a brilliant example of a 'qualified' ITL Interpreter saving Cleveland Police a lot of expense.