Declining court jobs
Dear NRPSI Interpreter,
Firstly, thank you to all NRPSI interpreters who stand firm in bycotting ALS, raising their opposition voices against the MOJ Framework Agreement.
This is to inform you about an incident which happened today. I received a telephone call around 14.00 and I was asked if I could take on an interpreting assignment at Cardiff Crown Court for tomorrow 07/03/12 at 2.00pm for a two day trial. The court staff sounded very agitated when I declined the job as she said ALS was not able to get an interpreter therefore they turned back to NRPSI lists. I told them politely I was not able to help the courts and would not work for them as long as the ALS contract was in place. I also reassured them that we, NRPSI interpreters, are happy to resume working with courts and police when ALS admits their failure and their contract with the MOJ comes to an end.
However, I received a second telephone call from the same Cardiff Crown Court one hour after I had declined the booking. They were very desparate asking if I was able to interpret for one day as they managed to get someone from the NRPSI to do one day of the trial. I told them I would not change my mind and would stick to my previous desicion as it was my opinion about the Framework Agreement. I was surprised that someone from NRPSI actually took the job.
Therefore, I urge all my NRPSI Kurdish fellow Interpreters and also other languages interpreters in general who oppose to work for ALS to stand firm and not to give up their hope as ALS games and tactics will come to an end very soon and I assure you of that, but it needs unity from us and ability not to fall into ALS traps.
Let's fight for our profession and defend our jobs and let us not allow anyone to belittle our skills and experience which we earned through professional qualifications, working over many years so we definitely deserve better than what ALS has to offer.
Kind Regards,
Karzan Sadoon
Kurdish:Sorani Interpreter/Translator
NRPSI No. 13764