FWA / ALS / Capita... my own personal complaint
I am an IT support technician, French speaking, based south Birmingham. I often do freelance work for the UKBA as one of their French language panel interpreters. I do not work within the wider CJS but have been made aware of the FWA, and hope to do anything I can to aid its removal.
Around mid-April, I spoke to a lady at Capita Head Office. She was interested in some of the few examples I gave her in relation to ALS and the current mess in the Criminal Justice System. She was very polite, professional and listened well to my concerns. I know she listened well as she repeated my concerns to me.
I rang today for an update, as I have heard nothing. She informed me that she was very disappointed I had not heard anything given that she had passed my complaint onto another party. I asked if she was at liberty to inform me who that other party was, so that I may chase them myself, and she said she'd passed details of my complaint onto Mr Gavin Wheeldon's PA. Laugh? I nearly fell off my chair. No wonder I have had no reply.
However, of more interest and pertinence is that this lady at Capita is not a happy bunny now that she has had me on the phone again. It seems, she said, that ALS is ignoring notifications from Capita's Head Office and ignoring therefore members of the public who are raising legitimate concerns. She is not happy and has invoked Capita's complaints procedure against ALS. Well, it's a start, and I shall see what happens next. Let's hope that Gavin is reading this... Gav, your time is up and you have been sussed.