MoJ/ALS/Capita court interpreting on Twitter
11:49 AM - 13 Jun 12 Kinga Macalla @KingaMacalla
BREAKING NEWS: The National Audit Office will open investigation into the Framework Agreement...:
1:53 PM - 11 Jun 12 Katya Ford @KatyaFord
#ALS/CAPITA failed to provide an interpreter for a trial in Alton today. Wonder who's footing the bill? Us taxpayers of course! #MOJFWA
5:05 PM - 7 Jun 12 Kimo Sabi @Kam_El
4th hearing in a row with no #interpreter down in Brighton Mags - #scandalous!
4:44 PM - 7 Jun 12 phil gibbs @gibbsbarrister
Today no interpeter for deaf man - no adjournment either.
1:20 AM - 6 Jun 12 @For_the_defence
@Geoffrey_M_B you'll like this, there were no FRENCH interpreters available at Court on Saturday, so, did it myself. Must learn Polish next!
12:49 PM - 5 Jun 12 Julian Young @TheLWA
@Lipspeakers @guardian @sundeepbhatia2 The whole interpreter issue is a disgrace. The MoJ should admit that civil servants got it wrong.
6:05 PM - 4 Jun 12 Diana MH @DianaLTU
B County Court 31/05. No Lithuanian Court interpreter. Last time #ALS sent a LATVIAN one from LlVERPOOL ~300 miles one way.
2:19 PM - 25 May 12 Kasia Beresford @Kasiabesfud
@bigkesh=So the situation with interps seems to continue. At Inner London Crown Court and no sign of the Lithuanian interpreter@CrimeLineLaw>
1:29 PM - 23 May 12 phil gibbs @gibbsbarrister
Defendant needing Punjabi interpreter provided sb speaking mixture of Urdu, Hindi and English! Leicester CC ROW 475 ALS/Capita court interpreting failures on Twitter article_intro:
Geoffrey @Geoffrey_M_B 5 Jul
@talkrussian_ @rpsi_lounge ACPO doesn't even mention #MOJFWA any more, nor NPIA, previously staunch advocates. More worried about Winsor???
Geoffrey @Geoffrey_M_B 5 Jul
@talkrussian_ @rpsi_lounge Tell everyone; the #MOJFWA is dead!! Fallout will take a while to settle, but #MOJFWA is dead!!
Geoffrey @Geoffrey_M_B 5 Jul
#DeathtotheMOJFWA Heard of a tense meeting at MoJ yesterday w ALS. Is it true? Anybody any news? #ALSCapitayoureshiteandyouknowyouare
Diana MH 5 Jul
@mrhodga Not using #ALSCAPITA #MOJFWA then? Sigh of relief (thinking of customers) :)
13h Ian Hodgetts @mrhodga
Diana, would rather eat my own kidneys than get involved in the #ALS MOJ contract - I have standards! ;-)
CourtNewsUK @CourtNewsUK 4 Jul
For those who don't know, many interpreters are boycotting the new contractor. They're now busily compiling evidence of its many screw-ups.
Lynn Cox @Lagsmags 2 Jul
First 2 cases can't go ahead because no interpreter available. #notgood
Steven Jonas @S_Jonas 2 Jul
2 defendants answer police bail today @ 1st hearing. Still no Lithuanian interpreter @ 12 noon. Stop delaying justice. text:
Steven Jonas @S_Jonas
Adjourned for 2 days for the court to ask Capita for a Lithuanian interpreter. 'Stop, delaying justice'. (Atrib. Paris Paraskos)
Aquila Game Reserve @AquilaSafaris 29 Jun
Still no interpreter..... This is ridiculous.... In the ivory case.. Again #tuskbust
CourtReporter @RobMiddleton23 29 Jun
Interpreter for 2 Vietnamese cannabis growing cases booked for 10am has still not turned up at court. Agency told him 2pm.
Steven Jonas @S_Jonas 22 Jun
ALS unable to provide a Czech interpreter. Court retains non-ALS interpreter to avoid remand in custody.
CourtReporter @RobMiddleton23 20 Jun
Somali interpreter booked for Anab Mohamed, 36, has not turned up. Accused of arson
CourtReporter @RobMiddleton23 20 Jun
2nd case today where the interpreter has failed to turn up.
Gwen maddison @LateFines 20 Jun
@Toomsy well if you need someone sooner, I can get you an interpretive dancer. It's almost the same thing.
Darren Neal @Toomsy
@LateFines that would probably work. Can they bring a puppet?? Court needs more puppets!!
Steven Jonas @S_Jonas 19 Jun
Client in custody needs Slovak interpreter. None available. Liberty of the subject? Who cares?