More court delays due to interpreters
Fer Chinner · June 27, 2013 - 2:39 pm
Snaresbrook Crown Court. R v Miah. S.18 GBH. Case listed at 11.30am. Interpreter did not attend until 2pm. This was the 2nd listing for PCMH. At the last hearing no interpreter had been booked by the court. waiting time 21/2 hrs (case listed at 10am adjourned at 12.30pm).
Jonathan Rosen · June 27, 2013 - 1:49 pm
Blackfriars Crown Court. Court 3. 27th June. Trial part heard last night to continue at 10.00 this morning. Interpreter fails to reappear. Enquiries reveal he’s double booked and gone to the mags somewhere. Replacement interpreter arrives at 12.00!
Stuart Lawson Rogers QC · June 26, 2013 - 3:05 pm
Sitting as Recorder at Isleworth Crown on 7/5/13, trial listed (cannot recall name- see daily list) delayed half a day because Urdu interpreter unsatisfactory. Replacement fine but on 10/5 (trial part heard) lost further 45 minutes because Agency sent same interpreter to cover 2 different courtrooms at Isleworth.
Barrister in the case · June 26, 2013 - 2:40 pm
Isleworth Crown Court – - – T20127781 – REGINA -V- SINGH Manbreet, SINGH Dalip & SINGH Kuldeep – 21st March 2013. After 9 days of evidence jury had to be discharged after a Punjabi speaking juror raised serious concerns re the accuracy of the Punjabi interpreter.
RE-trial later this year
Kate Goold · June 26, 2013 - 11:36 am
R v Du, Northampton Crown Court 10 May at 2pm: allegation of quadruple murder. PCMH listed at Nottingham Crown Court before Mr Justice Flaux. We requested a later date as PCMH could not be effective and instructed counsel not available. The date remained. Counsel (briefed only for that hearing) and solicitor travelled from London to Nottingham early to meet client (who speaks no English) in cells. Interpreter required but none arrive. Client produced from HMP Woodhill (Milton Keynes). The interpreting service had wrongly booked interpreter to go to Northampton. The interpreter told them the day before it was Nottingham. Interpreting service- Capita?- refused to pay her public transport fees to Nottingham so she could not attend. Case called on at 2pm, no interpreter so hearing vacated and adjourned 6 weeks.
sec · June 26, 2013 - 11:29 am
Courtdelays was e-mailed and told about this case at Snaresbrook Crown Court
(1) PCMH hearing entirely wasted and adjourned for 3 weeks, 5 counsel in attendance.
(2) Snaresbrook, Court 11, 23rd April 2013
(3) 5 handed indictment, human trafficking. Defendants were supposed to appear via videolink. a) No interpreters attended b) One defendant was female and at Holloway, the court had not spotted this and so no videolink to Holloway was booked c) The court did not have an indictment, nor any papers d) the defence had not been served with a full set of papers, including ABE transcripts outstanding e) the CPS wished to review the case to see if further charges should be added. The PCMH could not proceed and the cost of the entire hearing was therefore wasted.
(4) R v X and Ors – case ongoing
James walker · June 25, 2013 - 9:20 pm
R v Facuna southwark crown court
2 aborted pcmhs due to no interpreter
Credit for delayed guilty plea may be an issue
jonblackwithbrowndog · June 25, 2013 - 9:34 pm
Postsript to R V Pham above
After 2 adjourned hearings above. Client was put over to today to see court psychiatric team. They had not been told about him because resulting office had not bothered processing, nor had they (again) bothered to book Vietnamese interpreter. Mental health team agreed to see him but because they hadn’t previously booked him in, they could not wait for interpreter to arrive as they had apts elsewhere. Local interpreter could have turned up quicker but ALS interp not until 2pm.
Patrick Harris · June 25, 2013 - 8:53 pm
Manchester Crown Court -April 9th 2013. R v Dishous. I represented the defendant. The defendant was Somalian. The Somalian interpreter attended the first day of trial on the 8th April, was sworn in and advised to attend court the following day by the trial judge. He failed to attend court the next day, the 9th April 2013. I understand that he accepted a translation job at the Criminal Court of Appeal the next day, l shortly after being advised to attend the Manchester Crown Court on the 9th April by the trial judge.!
The interpreter subsequently advised (falsely) he had been told by counsel/ advocate that he was not obliged to attend court the next day the 9th April 2013. An entire day was wasted as no interpreter was available .The trial was adjourned until, the 10th of April. The original interpreter was replaced with another interpreter . Ironically both interpreters came from the south of England, notwithstanding that prior to Capita, the court would have normally used a locally based interpreter from the Somalian community in Manchester, saving travel and hotel expenses. An entire court day was wasted.
Patrick Harris. Solicitor/Advocate. Clifford Johnston &Co- Solicitors. Manchester
M. Bagnall · June 25, 2013 - 8:12 pm
Basildon crown court R v Zelenas 23/06/12. Listed for committal for sentence. Interpreter requested by court but none had been provided by capita. Defendant unrepresented. Sentence could no proceed without interpreter. Case had to be adjourned for 4 days to obtain an interpreter.
Jonathan Rosen · June 25, 2013 - 8:06 pm
Wolverhampton Crown Court. Listed for PCMH on 29th May on eight handed case. Nine advocates present, some from London. No interpreters attend despite court confirming they were booked. PCMH relisted for 13th June.
sec · June 25, 2013 - 7:56 pm
Courtdelays was e-mailed and told about a rape trial at a London Crown Court. ape trial. Unable to sit afternoon of Day 1 – no Polish interpreter. Unable to sit first hour of Day 2 – other business in court. Unable to sit last hour of Day 3 – other business in court Day 6 – Marked NB 11 but did not sit until closer to 11.30 – no idea why.
sec · June 25, 2013 - 7:55 pm
Court delays was e-mailed and told of a case at a London Crown Court. The Defendant was Polish defendant, and in need of an interpreter. The interpreter who was booked for the first two days of trial could not attend the third. The List Office failed to book an interpreter for day three.
An interpreter attended at 12.15. By this time, the Judge was dealing with his follow-on trial.
He intended to sum the case up; starting at 12.40 and going into the lunch hour. However, this was not possible as it would have meant that the jury did not receive any lunch at all. As a result, it was decided that the Judge would sum up at 2pm. In fact, the trainee usher brought over the jury panel in the follow-on trial; rather than the sitting jury.
This caused further delay. The Judge eventually started summing up at 2.20pm; 4 hours later than intended.
sec · June 25, 2013 - 7:51 pm
Courtdelays was e-mailed and told of a case adjourned at a Bedfordshire Youth Court due to non-availability of a Bengali interpreter.
Rebecca Saillet · June 25, 2013 - 7:49 pm
1) 3 days plus 6 months
2) Thames/Stratford Magistrates’ Court – 2012
3) Albanian defendant with mental health difficulties – no interpreter booked for first appearance, adjourned to next day – no interpreter attended on 2nd day either – third day, interpreter finally attends and first appearance effective (client remanded in custody unnecessarily for 3 days)
Set down for trial – no interpreter attended for trial – trial adjourned for further 3mths (despite unwilling complainant attending)
Trial finally takes place (with interpreter!) 6 months after first appearance – defendant acquitted as complainant unwilling and purposefully does not come up to proof!!
4) R v Hasani
S.Kumar · June 25, 2013 - 6:28 pm
1) PCMH adjourned to another date. 1/2 hr wasted time on that day for Judge & court staff in trying to find out what was happening and then rebailing the defendant.
2) St Albans CC, 24/06/13
3) No Bulgarian interpreter
4) R v Sabev
[Copied by RPSI Linguist Lounge with permission from the South Eastern Circuit,]