Reports of Direct Calls to RPSIs
Some RPSIs (not all) have been providing details of calls they received from Courts, Tribunals and the Police. This daily survey has been following the ups and downs of ALS & Capita TI as they try to provide interpreters. It is quite a sensitive analysis, even showing the effects of public holidays.
The start of the survey was 1st February 2012 = Day 1 and after 440 days there are 1400 reports of direct calls to RPSIs. Although these calls represent jobs that ALS/CTI could not fulfill, no data is collected about if the job was taken.
The fact that direct calls are made is no secret. The MoJ authorised such calls weeks into the 'national roll-out' of the new system. This phase is very obvious from the graph of the data collected by RPSIs. However, there is some reason to believe some courts are not even trying ALS/CTI and only call direct or go to some local agency.The MoJ seems reluctant to collect their own data, preferring to believe what Capita say about jobs received and done. The RPSI survey helps to show things from the other side.
If more reports were filed, the picture would be even clearer. Every call outside of the new system strengthens the claim that it is not working.
Such calls are treated with sensitivity. Colleagues are encouraged to participate, sending in reports of calls made - regardless of what happened next.